Practical tools

Manifesto for Public Engagement

The NCCPE is inviting every university and research institute in the UK to sign up to our Manifesto for Public Engagement.

updated on 21 Aug 2023
1 minute read

Since the Manifesto was launched by the NCCPE in 2010, much has changed inside and outside the UK university sector, reinforcing the need for engagement, and its value to universities and for society. It has become increasingly important for universities to develop a strategic approach to engagement. With over 80 institutions already signed up, the NCCPE’s 10th anniversary in 2018 provided an opportunity to celebrate some of the exceptional activity and the work of the many universities and community organisations who have joined us on this journey.

The NCCPE’s vision is of a higher education sector making a vital, strategic and valued contribution to 21st-century society through its public engagement activity. Our Manifesto is a great way to affirm a shared commitment to this goal. If you haven’t already signed up, please take this opportunity to help build a growing movement committed to higher education and research as a public good. In this resource, you’ll find snapshots of the public engagement work undertaken across the UK by our Manifesto signatories.