Katia Chornik
Katia Chornik is Impact Development Manager at Kingston University and Research Associate at Cambridge University’s Centre of Latin American Studies. She has extensive experience of developing, managing and conducting research, public engagement, and impact in the HE, public and cultural sectors. Her own research focuses on Latin American cultural history. She is the author of Alejo Carpentier and the Musical Text (Routledge, 2015) and Captive Songs: Music and Political Detention in Pinochet’s Chile (OUP, forthcoming), and the editor of the digital project Cantos Cautivos, compiling testimonies of music experiences under political detention. Since 2022, she has been an advisor to Rambert, a world-leading dance company, on their “Decolonising Dance” programme. As a woman of mixed background, as a mother, migrant, and daughter and great-granddaughter of refugees, she has personal experience of a range of EDI matters.