Lisa Jamieson

Lisa Jamieson

Freelance Public Engagement Strategic Specialist

Lisa Jamieson is a freelance Public Engagement Strategic Specialist and has over 20 years' experience as a public engagement leader, funder, adviser and practitioner.  

As an independent consultant and adviser, Lisa works across higher education and the cultural sector supporting organisations to develop purposeful and compelling public engagement cultures, strategies and programmes. She has expertise in public engagement with research across all disciplines and with significant experience in health, medical sciences and the medical humanities. Recent clients include Fleming Initiative, Kings College London, Liverpool John Moores University and Medical Research Council.

In addition to her independent consultancy work she is a Strategic Associate at the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), chair of Research Ireland’s Discover Funding Panel and was an Impact Assessor for REF2021. 

Prior to working independently she spent 11 years at Wellcome, latterly as their Head of Engaging Science and prior to that, Head of Live Programmes for Wellcome Collection. 

Lisa is relentlessly curious and thrives in liminal spaces between sectors, disciplines, professionals and the public. She loves hilly cycle rides.