Newcastle University

Why we've signed the Manifesto
"Newcastle University has a proud history of civic engagement and social purpose on the part of staff, students and alumni. Our Engagement and Place strategy puts work with partners from all sectors and inclusive approaches at the heart of our thinking."
Professor Julie Sanders, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
"At Newcastle University, we see the contribution we can make economically, socially and culturally as core to our purpose. We want to work with our staff, students and partners to maximise the positive impact we can achieve locally and globally."
Jane Robinson, Dean of Engagement and Place
Our approach to public engagement
Engagement describes the ways in which the activity and benefits of our education and research can be shared and enhanced beyond the University. It is a multi-directional process with the aim of delivering mutual benefit for both the University and our external partners. These exchanges can take many forms, involving our staff, students and alumni, and require a long term view. Our engagement activities are wide ranging and include: co-creation of research; collaboration with businesses, voluntary groups and the creative sector; influencing policy; student placements; and public engagement in its many forms. In line with our institutional aspirational values our engagement activities will:
- Be embedded in and representative of our research and education excellence
- Be creative and innovative in working for the public good
- Provide ideas and solutions that will have economic and social impact
Our public engagement hallmark
Engagement at Newcastle University spans so many different types of activity but one of our stand out models is Newcastle City Futures. This is a collaboration and innovation partnership, led by Newcastle University, creating shared opportunities to shape the future of the city. The programme is rooted in collaboration and innovation for the establishment of partnerships based on shared interests.
Newcastle City Futures, builds on the existing work undertaken by the research team at Newcastle University since 2014, and looks to diagnose the complex and interdependent challenges within our urban region, working collaboratively to co-design and implement initiatives and solutions in order to contribute to the life of the people and development of the area.
Our vision is to ensure the economic growth of the Newcastle, Gateshead and the rest of the North East where all people in the city equally enjoy positive well-being and good health irrespective of age.
Distinctively Newcastle City Futures…
- develops partnerships based on shared interest,
- is centred on cross-disciplinary working,
- uses the quadruple helix approach of collaboration between universities, public sector, business and civil society.
Andrea Henderson, Engagement Manager