Manifesto Signatory

Oxford Brookes University

updated on 03 Oct 2023
1 minute
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Why we've signed the Manifesto

"As part of our 2020 Research and Knowledge Transfer Strategy, Oxford Brookes is committed to increasing the impact and dissemination of our highest quality research, and to collaborating with other Higher Education institutions and the public, private and third sector. In signing this manifesto, we are demonstrating our recognition of the benefits of public engagement for the University as a whole and our commitment to the strengthening our portfolio of outward-facing activities in the future."

Janet Beer, Vice-Chancellor

Our approach to public engagement

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Oxford Brookes University takes the dissemination of its research very seriously and one of its two Research Objectives is to "Increase the exploitation and dissemination of our highest quality research and our collaboration with other Higher Education Institutions and the public, private and third sector". Being outward-facing also includes seeking opportunities for the dissemination of research, both within the academic community and more widely, and ensuring that its impact is fully realised. Such dissemination includes public engagement and outreach activities. 


Name: Sarah Taylor

Title: Research Support Manager

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 484064
