University of Suffolk

Why we've signed the Manifesto
The University of Suffolk is proud to sign the Public Engagement Manifesto, affirming our commitment as a civic university to meaningful community engagement. Our role extends beyond traditional education - we are catalysts for regional transformation, working hand-in-hand with our communities to address real-world challenges. This manifesto aligns perfectly with our strategic vision of being an inclusive, research-active university that drives positive change through knowledge exchange and public engagement. By signing, we strengthen our pledge to make our research accessible, relevant, and impactful for the communities we serve.
Professor Emma Bond, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange
Our approach to public engagement
Our approach to public engagement is deeply embedded in our civic mission and knowledge exchange strategy. We actively foster public engagement through research projects that directly benefit our communities, particularly in our areas of excellence: health and wellbeing, social justice, creative digital technologies, and sustainable energy. Our commitment is evidenced by our Bronze NCCPE watermark, with ambitions to achieve Silver by 2027. We support staff and students through dedicated training and development opportunities, recognising and rewarding high-quality engagement activities. Our partnerships with local organizations ensure our research and knowledge exchange activities remain relevant and impactful, while our inclusive approach ensures we reach diverse audiences across Suffolk.
Our public engagement hallmark

Professor Valerie Gladwell and Ellie Rossiter received internal participatory research funding allowing them to engage with a variety of stakeholders. They used participatory methods and a co-production framework, to develop an understanding of how to appropriately implement components of the Healthy Athletes programme in Suffolk. This is a global initiative, through Special Olympics, to reduce the health inequalities people with learning disabilities face.
The research advisory group, including individuals with learning disabilities, members of organisations including ACE Anglia, LeadingLives and Thinklusive, met for four sessions to capture experiences and opinions of health inequalities. Findings were shared at the Special Olympics Regional meeting and a poster at conferences at University of Suffolk and Essex. This work was also used to form part of Ellie’s PhD thesis.
This research led to teaching opportunities where physiotherapy students engaged with athletes with a learning disability in a knowledge exchange workshop morning.
The advisory group met three more times to reflect on their experience of being part of a research team within a university, and how we can increase the amount of inclusive research. These reflections will be captured in a paper, easy read ‘articles’ and a webinar style video.
Our public engagement talking point
The future of public engagement lies in genuine co-creation with communities. While universities have traditionally focused on 'sharing' knowledge, we believe the next evolution is about collaborative knowledge creation. This means reimagining community members not just as audiences but as partners in research and innovation. Our experience shows that when communities are involved from the outset in defining research questions and approaches, the impact is significantly enhanced. The challenge for the sector is to develop new frameworks that recognize and value this type of collaborative engagement, moving beyond metrics that only measure outreach to those that capture true partnership and co-creation.
Our public engagement people
Laura Messer, Research Support Manager, together with the Public Engagement - Engage Watermark Working Group.
Led by Professor Emma Bond, PVC Research and Knowledge Exchange
Andreea Tocca, Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange
Research Institute Directors
Schools Representatives
Early Career Research Representative
Professional Services Representatives
The Working Group played a pivotal role in our institution’s submission and continues to be a key driver in advancing our public engagement agenda. This group brought together a diverse range of voices and expertise, ensuring an inclusive approach to shaping the submission. By fostering collaboration between academic, professional services, and community stakeholders, the group ensured that public engagement was integrated across disciplines and embedded in our institutional culture.
By monitoring progress, refining strategies, and promoting new initiatives, the research institutes. schools and professional services representatives help us stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Their dedication fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and accountability, ensuring that public engagement is a core part of our mission to create societal impact.#

Laura Messer, Research Support Manager