The Principles of Partnership Working
Want to work in partnership to develop your engagement work? This tutorial provides practical tools and content to help you develop your partnership approach and put it into practice.
Introducing the partnership cycle
To help navigate partnerships, the NCCPE have developed the partnership cycle. It contains 10 steps to effective partnerships, which help you consider the various aspects of what makes partnerships thrive. Based on experience of partnerships with museums, communities, schools and others, the partnership cycle captures the key facets that make a difference to high-quality collaboration on engagement work.
In this video, Community partner Kim Aumann introduces the partnership cycle in this short webinar video (16 minutes).
Explore the cycle
Take a spin around the wheel to familiarise yourself with the partnership cycle. Click through the infographic to read about each step and discover partnership-building resources. Expand the infographic to read more.
Journeys around the partnership cycle
With this interactive tool, you can click through the different stages of the cycle for four different kinds of partnerships. What you might need to consider in each context?