Page Strategy and Leadership Strategic leadership of public engagement requires vision and determination, and an understanding of how to change institutional culture.
Briefings Understanding culture change This briefing shares the lessons learned around how to initiate, plan and achieve changes in research culture.
Collections Designing your public engagement support programme This collection brings together some of our most popular resources, to help you to design and deliver your support programme for public engagement
Page Consultancy The National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) offers consultancy services supporting universities and research institutions to [...]
Reports and reviews Pathways to culture change Lessons for culture change from the 10 universities who participated in RCUK's Catalyst Seed Fund project from 2015 - 2018.
Guides Using a logic model to develop your strategy This guide by Mary-Clare Hallsworth, from 2020, is intended to help your logic modelling in developing your plans