Case study Focus on the Positive The world is full of problems, but it’s also full of brilliant people, chipping away at those seemingly insurmountable problems with their ideas and [...]
Blog Enabling young people to take the lead in research In the final blog in our series focused on equity-conscious and youth-centred engagement practice, Lewis Hou poses the question: How can young people [...]
Watermark Winner Queen Mary awarded first ever Engage Watermark Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is the first institution to win the Engage Watermark for its public engagement work.
Case study The Enlightenment Cafe: Deadinburgh An unknown pathogen ravages Scotland’s capital, turning the unlucky souls into bloodthirsty ambling beasts.
Blog Improving funding models for public engagement with STEM David Owen, NCCPE Associate, provides an insight into recent work being led by members of the National Forum for Public Engagement for STEM.