Page The policy and funding landscape for public engagement The rise of public engagement: why has it become a policy priority, and how is it incentivised in university funding?
Briefings A history of Public Engagement policy and funding This briefing explores how public engagement funding and policy has evolved since its origins in the early 2000s, and identifies four overlapping [...]
funding opportunity Medical Research Foundation (MRC): Changing Policy and Practice Award Supports the dissemination of MRC and Foundation-funded research results beyond the scientific peer reviewed press, to patients, participants [...]
Briefings Knowledge Exchange Briefing This briefing explores how public engagement features in UK Knowledge Exchange policy. It looks in detail at the Knowledge Exchange Concordat (KEC) [...]
Briefings KE Public Engagement Policy Overview The place of Public and Community Engagement in KE policy
Blog Dicey Dialogue: engaging scientists with public understanding Lynda Dunlop and Elizabeth Rushton