NCCPE co-leads new £3.6M Hub to support local place engagement
The Local Policy Innovation Partnership (LPIP) research Hub is being created to explore ways in which local places can be supported to meet the needs of their communities.

06 / 06 / 2023
The Local Policy Innovation Partnership (LPIP) research Hub is being created to explore ways in which local places can be supported to meet the needs of their communities.
The NCCPE are pleased to be partners in delivering this new Hub. Led by the University of Birmingham’s City Region Economic and Development Institute (City-REDI), it will bring together a network of people who have successfully delivered on place partnerships, engagement, impact, and translational research with communities across the UK.
Together, they will work to understand local challenges and formulate solutions, which can be scaled up through effective place-based policy-making and public service delivery. Funded by the ESRC, Innovate UK and the Art and Humanities Research Council, the Hub is designed to lead to a change in the quality and impact of the evidence created by universities and their local place partners.
Paul Manners, Co-director of the NCCPE and LPIP Leadership team said:
“We are delighted to be part of the LPIP delivery team. Engagement with the public needs to be at the heart of how universities connect locally and it is really encouraging to see how funders like ESRC are increasingly expecting a ‘joined up’ approach to public, policy and business engagement, to maximise the civic, social and economic contribution of universities.
“The NCCPE’s involvement with the LPIP network, and our role in the wider Civic University Network, will help ensure that community participation and involvement is integrated into the LPIP programme and benefits from the experience of public engagement professionals across the UK”.
This work will be led by a leadership team, comprising of staff from the University of Birmingham, the University of the West of England, the NCCPE and Inner Circle Consulting (non-academic Co-Investigator), and a wider network team of 13 research and policy delivery partners.
The Hub has been funded alongside 9 other local projects as part of phase 1 of the broader £23m LPIP programme, designed to support local and national policymakers in tackling levelling up challenges, driving sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and reducing regional disparities.
Rebecca Riley, LPIP Hub Principal Investigator said:
“LPIPs are an exciting and innovative way of bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders to find practical, policy-led solutions to issues of pressing national and local importance.
“The LPIP Hub will act as a crucial conduit between the partnerships and national policymakers, enabling them to exchange insights, knowledge and best practice to maximise impact from research and innovation at both a local and national level”.