Watermark 2024 - applications now open
Applications are now open for the Engage Watermark 2024- 2025 at institutional or faculty level. The award is granted by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) to higher education institutions to recognise their strategic support for public engagement and their commitment to improve the support offered. Just as a watermark runs through the fabric of a document, an Engage Watermark indicates that engagement runs through the fabric of an institution.

Institutions applying for the Engage Watermark will receive a synthesis of key data relating to their institution, enabling them to recognise core strengths as well as highlight areas for development. This intelligence gathered provides a rich source of evidence to strengthen the institution’s support for impactful public engagement.
Not just an award, Watermark is a developmental process which will provide:
- a focussed ‘stock take’ of existing evidence of the impact of your support for engagement.
- targeted evidence gathering to build a more robust picture of public engagement across the organisation.
- a synthesis of evidence, reviewed by an external expert organisation and benchmarked against other HEIs.
- a clear set of recommendations and prompts to inform a refreshed action plan and an assessment of your action plan.
- the opportunity to demonstrate to staff, students, partners and funders the institution’s commitment to public engagement.
- compelling evidence to underpin funding applications, REF and KEF submissions, and other quality assurance processes.
Applications must be received by Friday 27 September 2024
The cost for the Watermark for 2024-25 is £12,200 plus VAT.
If you have questions about the Engage Watermark, would like some more information, or are thinking of applying, please get in touch with us at nccpe.enquiries@uwe.ac.uk We are always delighted to speak to you and to be able to ensure that Watermark is the right approach for your organisation.