Lessons from the Engaging Environments programme
The NCCPE is delighted to launch a new resource based on learning from the Engaging Environments programme, a project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

02 / 05 / 2019
The NCCPE is delighted to launch a new resource based on learning from the Engaging Environments programme, a project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).
Engaging Environments
Between October 2017 and October 2018 the Engaging Environments Programme sought to develop consortia of partners, working together to engage the UK public with environmental science. The project aimed to realise more effective approaches to public engagement, moving beyond standard dissemination methods, to co-creating engagement with communities, artists, and publics.
There has been rich learning from the project, relating to how engagement is viewed and valued by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) academic community. These include the benefits of taking more collaborative approaches to engagement; drawing on and building the evidence-base for effective practice; understanding the motivations, interests and needs of publics and researchers and identifying some of the structural changes needed within research organisations if public engagement is to thrive.
The Engaging Environments Booklet
The NCCPE acted as a coordinating hub for this programme, bringing the projects together to pool learning, make connections and produce this shared resource.
The booklet pulls together key learning from the programme, that we hope will be useful for anyone working to develop more effective public engagement with environmental science, whether as a researcher or as an engagement professional.