Page Training for Working in Partnership This training course introduces partnership working. Partnerships are a key part of the engagement landscape and can take many forms. Whilst working [...]
Page Training Courses for Public Engagement The NCCPE offers a range of training opportunities to support the development of high quality engagement work.
Guides Accessible and Inclusive Events Guide Accessible and Inclusive approaches to designing event materials, presenting content, and chairing or facilitating sessions. Participation in any type [...]
Page REF Panel Recruitment Webinar Join Paul Manners, NCCPE Co-Director, along with Professor Doris Ruth Eikhof, Professor Anne Boddington, and other special guests for insights into [...]
Blog NCIA Innovation Project: Emerging Findings from the Collaborative Value Initiative The National Civic Impact Accelerator (NCIA) Action Learning Programme seeks to develop our collective understanding of how universities can undertake [...]
Page NCCPE PEP Network member handbook Welcome to the NCCPE's PEP Network! This page includes everything you need to know about being a member - do let us know if there's anything else you [...]